Paddle Like a Girl

Kayak between women

Paddle like a Girl. A space created to give more protagonism to women in sports and kayaking.

We have created a new project to enhance female sport and give women more protagonism. An event designed to learn, improve and take care of ourselves through Kayaking. During the months of the summer season, “Paddle Like a Girl” will be held. We have prepared 4 days of kayaking, very dynamic and emotional, led by some of the best instructors, athletes and specialists we have in Catalonia.
We will learn from 6 inspiring women who will introduce us to 3 different styles of kayaking, yoga and emotional management workshops applied to adventure sports, all with the exceptional landscape of the Cap de Creus Natural Park as a background.

We want more women to come and paddle with us and above all, we want them to continue.

Paddle Like a Girl

Uncoming activities

19/05 & 15/06 from09:00 – 13:00

Morning departure from Llançà. Ideal for all of you who are just starting out with kayaking or haven’t sailed in a while and want to brush up. During the departure we practice the techniques to achieve effective paddles, to make basic maneuvers and drive the kayak with less force. We will start the day with a yoga workshop applied to canoeing.

Instructors Marina Masó (yoga) and Aneliya Trendafilova (Kayak)

PRICE: 70 €

08/06 Workshop with Anna Moreno

Workshop with Anna Moreno, trainer of the Catalan Canoeing Federation and expeditioner. We will treat ourselves to a day to paddle together along the coast north of Cap de Creus and learn and practice advanced techniques. We will learn how to solve incidents and start with the Roll technique. We will start the day with a yoga workshop applied to canoeing.

Instructors Marina Masó (yoga) and Anna Moreno (Kayak)

PRICE: 110€

09/06 Illes Medes

We will enjoy an unforgettable experience sailing among the mythical Medes Islands. Then we will retrace the coast of Montgrí to reach the Roca Foradada, a large natural arch sculpted by nature in the cliffs. We will stop for lunch in one of the semi-wild coves and take the opportunity to snorkel in this Mediterranean marine paradise.

Hours: from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

Level: Intermidiate Option to use a double kayak

Distance: 15 km

Minimum group 4 people.

PRICE: 90 €

The most magical time in summer is when the sun and moon meet on the horizon at sunset. It’s the time when we will take our kayaks to Llançà to go out to sea to sleep in the sun and watch the moon rise. Contemplative activity suitable for all levels.

Hours: from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (may vary depending on the time of moonrise)
Distance: 5km – 8 km
Minimum group 4 people.
PRICE: 30€

We will explore the wildest and most beautiful part of the Cap de Creus Natural Park. We will leave from Llançà, to navigate the waters of the upper sea. We will spend the night in Cala Taballera and the next day we will see one of the most impressive geological reserves in Catalonia – Pla de Tudela and we will sail across the legendary Cap de Creus. Our final port would be the picturesque Portlligat – “The most beautiful place in the world” according to Salvador Dalí.

Hours: from 9:00 a.m. on 07/09 to 5:00 p.m. on 08/09
Level: Intermidiate Option to use a double kayak
Distance: 35 km – 40 km
Minimum group 4 people.
PRICE: 195€

Important information

  • Professional instructor / guide
  • Material for carrying out the workshops
  • Insurance for the activity
  • Personal equipment
  • Water / food
Paddle Like a Girl Team
laia bedos

Laia Bedòs

Artista- Art terapeuta
Estic aquí per compartir la meva passió i el que més m'ajuda a la vida: la pintura i l'art per a la gestió emocional. El meu principal VALOR és la TRANSPARÈNCIA. Per mi la transparència significa poder expressar les emocions que sento sense limitacions o tabús fent una feina conscient. Crec que quan millor és la relació que tens amb les teves emocions, més gran és el benestar que sents i també millora la relació amb els altres, sent més respectuosa i transparent. Soc guia de muntanya i guia de kayak i m'apassionen tots els esports a la natura.
Anna Moreno

Anna Moreno

Instructora de Kayak mar
L'Anna va començar a fer caiac de mar al 2003 i des d'aleshores que està ben enganxada. El que més li agrada és fer expedicions i descobrir noves zones del món des del seu caiac, alguns dels seus llocs preferits són la Bretanya Francesa, Gal·les i el Nord de Noruega. Recentment ha començat també com a guia polar tant a l'Antàrtida com a l'Àrtic. L'Anna s'ha format a la "British Canoeing" i ha obtingut les titulacions de Guia de Caiac de Nivell Avançat (abans conegut com a 5*) i Instructora de Nivell 2 i també és TD2 de la Federació Catalana de Piragüisme.
Imatge de WhatsApp 2023-05-21 a les 21.33.44

Agata Sobieraj Jakubiec

Instructora d'aigües braves
Hello everyone! I'm Agata, originally from Poland. My kayaking journey began with my family, exploring the wilds of Poland on an 'Indian' canoe. At the age of 14, I embarked on freestyle kayaking and a year later got into the Polish national team. Representing Poland for several years, I achieved multiple podium finishes in international events. As my passion for kayaking grew, I also delved into the thrilling realm of extreme kayaking races, conquering some of the world's most challenging rivers. Since I turned 18, I have actively worked as a kayaking coach and raft guide in the Austrian Alps, Iceland, France, and Catalonia (Girona). As a female representative, I truly believe that we are a minority in the world of extreme sports. That's why I'm passionate about supporting initiatives like this one. I'm actively involved in several female clinics across Europe, and I'm enthusiastic about promoting kayaking as a fantastic activity for girls and women of all ages!
Imatge de WhatsApp 2023-05-21 a les 21.41.02

Aneliya Trendafilova

Instructora de Kayak mar
Hola, sóc Aneliya i vaig néixer a Sofia. Quan tenia només 1 any vaig conèixer el mar i aquest va ser un amor que sempre m'acompanya. L'any 2016 em vaig graduar del Postgrau de Guia i Ecoturisme a Barcelona i vaig decidir fer les meves pràctiques al Cap de Creus. Aquí vaig descobrir la meva passió pel caiac i des de llavors he estat navegant pel mar d'amunt i per tota la Costa Brava. El kayak m’ha ensenyat a gaudir de la mar en calma i de la mar brava, em permet descobrir racons màgics als que no arribaria mai d’una altra manera i sobretot s’ha convertit en un mitja per transmetre i compartir tot el que se i tot el que estimo. Soc guia acreditada del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus i guia de kayak de mar TD2 de la Federació catalana de Piragüisme i en aquest últim any estic decobrint una nova passio - el Surfski.
Imatge de WhatsApp 2023-05-21 a les 22.18.59

Marina Masó

Instructora de Ioga
Sóc la Marina, alumna i professora de ioga, viatgera i amant del mar.
El ioga m’ha canviat la vida, transformant-me i fent de salvavides a molts nivells.
El meu objectiu és acompanyar-te en la teva pràctica per compartir-ne els seus increïbles beneficis.

Practice ecotourism on the Costa Brava


We understand kayaking as a means of discovering our own region and that it helps us to get to know the fauna and flora, and we do this by seeking a return to the local population, generating the minimum possible impact and making our ecotourism experiences have a regenerative character with the environment.


At Sk Kayak we promote ecotourism activities in which all the services we offer our users are of quality, responsible and committed to the environment, the environment and the territory that surrounds us.


Let us make our activities Universal. When designing them we take into account that they are suitable for people with different functional capacities through the identification of Sensory Interest Points (SIP) where we work on sensory experiences with a minimum of 3 senses.

Do you have any doubts?

If you have any questions about the event, don't hesitate to contact us.
We will be happy to inform you.

Aneliya: 664 89 20 18

The members of SK KAYAK like the contact with the sea and the contact with people, we love our environment and we are passionate about discovering the Costa Brava in a sustainable way through sea kayaking.