Surfski Training Camp

Surfski Camp Costa Brava

From Sk Kayak we propose the Surfski Training Camp. Training days designed for all those who want to learn and/or perfect surfski navigation techniques.
During these 3 days we will be able to enjoy different theoretical classes where we will discuss topics such as transport, safety, the environment in which we move, paddling technique… Practical sessions in the water where we will put into practice everything learned in the classroom. We will do personal training to perfect our swing, be more efficient and improve our Downwind. All this in one of the best spots on the Costa Brava

Downwind a la Costa Brava

Day 1

Reception at the Sk Kayak facilities and welcome briefing where we will explain the program to be carried out. Personalized training session to perfect the technique, surfing and performance of our paddle

Arribada del Downwind a Port de la Selva

Day 2

Session in the classroom to reinforce technical aspects of the previous day’s training session. Theory on the dynamics of waves and application in the downwind. We will locate where the best conditions are to make our first downwind

Surfski epic

Day 3

Theoretical class in the classroom. We will continue to strengthen personal technical points. We will learn about different safety equipment and rescue techniques during the Downwind. And finally we will put everything we have learned into play and go in search of the best spor to do the second Downwind

Surfski Camp information:

  • When: March 29-30-31
  • Where: Llançà – Portbou
  • Level: Beginners / intermediate
  • Places: 6 persones
  • Instructors principals: Pau Calero / Jordi Patau
  • Preu: 225€ (160€ Bonus SK)
costabrava surfski center color final


March 29-30-31


Advanced / beginners


6 persones


6 hores dia


225 €


From 18 years

Important information

  • Closed footwear that can get wet (old trainers, crocs, booties, etc.)
  • Swimming trunks or trousers that can get wet.
  • Thermal T-shirt or lycra that can get wet.
  • Spare clothes and towel to change into when we finish the activity.
  • If we wear glasses, some kind of strap to hold them so we don’t lose them.
  • Sunglasses, sun cream, something to drink.

3 Classes teòriques
3 classes pràctiques
2 Downwinds
Kayak, armilla, pala, elements de seguretat
Transport durant els downwinds



Medusa Project

This new project, UNIQUE IN ALL OF CATALONIA, is part of the MEDUSA project, a
project that SK Kayak is working on in order to de-seasonalise the sector and
to promote the lesser known coast of the Empordà and its uniqueness, the Albera Marítima
(Portbou-Colera-Llançà) in a sustainable and conscious way.

Projecte medusa

Més com Surfski Camp '23

The members of SK KAYAK like the contact with the sea and the contact with people, we love our environment and we are passionate about discovering the Costa Brava in a sustainable way through sea kayaking.